What We Believe

We Believe


The vision of Sediba is to transform our world until the kingdoms of this world have truly become the Kingdom of our God. Passionate disciples of Jesus who would be known for their love. We are the ‘Warriors of love’ … Lovers of God, lovers of people and revivalists. From different backgrounds and nationalities, God has called us to be a bridge between communities and to make the bride ready for Jesus’s return


  • Wells of life – Communities of Faith and Family (the local church)
  • Transformation Centers (ACTS)
  • Kingdom without Borders (missions)


We believe in an apostolic model of church, and the priesthood of every believer, equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry.

Our mission is for people to

Encounter God    Hear the good news and  experience worship & prayer, the Word and supernatural ministry

Be Empowered – Journey life together and receive practical teaching and training inspired by the Holy Spirit

Extend their influence – By declaring the gospel, demonstrating the kingdom and transforming the marketplace

Get In Touch

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!


Plot 64282 Unit 1 Block 3 Industrial, Gaborone, Botswana

Email Us


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(267) 775 83854

Sunday Service
